United frequent flyers rejoice, the Stroopwafel is back! United quietly readded the Dutch treat to its onboard offerings over the weekend.

The carrier likely teased this change in a social media post last week as it posted a photo of some crumbs as a clue. However, an official announcement hasn’t been made due to the crash of American Eagle Flight 5342 and an Army Blackhawk helicopter in Washington D.C. that occurred later that day.
A United passenger posted the news on Reddit that the Stroopwafel is back onboard as of this past weekend.
I’m excited about this change as the Stroopwafel is my favorite onboard snack offered by any U.S. carrier. I often plead with the flight crew for an extra so I can take them with me when traveling and there may or may not be a box of them on my desk right now.
United appears to view the Stroopwafel in the same way that McDonalds sees the McRib as the airline has introduced, removed, and re-introduced it multiple times over the last ten years. So, enjoy them while you can.
While minor in the grand scheme of things, I’m excited to see the return of the Stroopwafel on United flights. While it won’t make me go out of my way to fly United, I’m looking forward to my next trip and, who knows, maybe I’ll get more than one.