Step aside DFW International Airport and Dallas Love Field, there’s a new commercial airport coming to the Dallas area. The McKinney City Council has approved the site plan for a new, 48,000 square foot commercial terminal building at McKinney National Airport (TKI).

The city council approved the new terminal in a 5-2 vote which also includes a new taxiway on the east side of the airport runway, a new aircraft apron, parking, and a new roundabout to manage traffic heading to the terminal from FM 546.
According to the city, the terminal project is expected to cost $72 million and construction is expected to begin in May 2025. If everything goes as planned, the terminal will be operational in late 2026.
While the idea of a commercial airport in Collin County isn’t anything new, the FAA proposed building an airport in McKinney to provide air service to the fast growing, northern portions of the DFW metroplex. Local voters rejected the $50 million bond needed for the new airport, though what is now McKinney National Airport opened in 1979 as Collin County Regional Airport.
Though the new terminal has been approved by the city council, there in still a funding gap that will need to be closed. The city is looking to fill the $14.3 million gap through federal or state transportation funds or tax increment reinvestment zones.
The funding gap was one of the issues that led to Council Member Patrick Cloutier, who supports the airport’s expansion, to vote against expanding the airport. During the council meeting, he stated the following:
“I’m looking for partners, whether it’s an airline, whether it’s Goldman Sachs, whether it’s the FAA, whether it’s TxDOT, to come in here and help the McKinney taxpayer get this over the finish line, and I haven’t seen that yet.”
Despite his vote against expansion, Cloutier concedes that the airport expansion will happen as the population in North Dallas continues to grow. The commercial terminal is expected to open with four gates, supporting between four and 20 flights per day. By 2040, the airport could expand to 16 gates and up to 40 daily departures.
While McKinney National won’t become a global hub like DFW, it will provide a convenient option for passengers on the northeastern side of the DFW metroplex. It will also help provide relief for the two existing commercial airports in the area which are becoming increasingly constrained. Dallas Love Field is legally capped at 20 gates or less while DFW is racing to build more terminal space.

I can see the big three legacy carriers connecting TKI with hubs like Atlanta, Denver and Houston. It will be interesting to see how fast the airport is able to finish construction of the terminal and what the demand will be like.
McKinney National Airport (TKI) is preparing to become the third commercial airport in the DFW area. The proposed passenger terminal has been approved by the McKinney City Council and is expected to be completed in late 2026.
(Images courtesy McKinney National Airport and Dallas/Ft. Worth International Airport)
Not “Dallas area.” More accurately, southern Oklahoma.
The way the DFW metroplex is growing, Downtown Dallas is basically South Dallas now. All of the growth is happening north of the city. Texas Instruments and Toyota both base their corporate jets at TKI.
The convience factor will not be that great. Just like most regional airports most people will drive to the larger airports due to more options for flights and the possibility of cancelled flights which happens often. I used to live by a a regional airport but still would drive 60 miles to the larger airport due to the options and risk of cancelled flight’s.
Have the residents vote on if they want the airport and note just the bond.
It certainly won’t replace the nonstop convenience of DFW. I doubt American would serve the new airport (maybe service to other hubs for connecting passengers) but I could definitely see Delta and United add service to the airport as those passengers are likely connecting anyway.
Also could be a good option for Allegiant, Breeze, etc.
The majority of residents do NOT want the expansion & have voiced that consistently! The only people in favor are those who will profit financially! The area includes many farms & ranches, which will all be impacted negatively. Those of us who bought in the area were opting for dark skies & a quieter way of life. Greed is winning & our voices are being silenced.
Hope not, we don’t need it or want it, more development, more people , more traffic, more strain on resources, no thanks. I’d take McKinney of 2005 over the McKinney 2025 any day !!!
Then move out. McKinney is growing. Deal with it.
Hey buddy F..CK YOU! you move out
We don’t need to deal with it, we voted NO on it , if you weren’t listening
They should have just reopened the military airport in Sherman Denison. No need for a lot of extra pollution and traffic in north Dallas/Allen/McKinney.
I would second that. Never heard of a city council or government overruling the will of the residents and voters.
Neither had I until moving to McKinney. It’s becoming a congested mess to the gain of developers – builders – and realtors and the detriment of those who live here. Utterly out of control and obnoxious city government
Really? Happens all over all the time
You are joking right? Two big issues gambling and marijuana are constantly shut down in Austin even though voters works overwhelmingly approve them if put to a vote. If you never traveled to Colorado (dispensary) or Shreveport/Oklahoma (casinos) you probably have no idea what I’m talking about.
The location is optimal. I am concerned that no Vertiports are in the plan. Question the existing contracts for hanger expansion and facility services. May I suggest an examination of Sugarland’s airport expansion be made? Near same distance from IAH as McKinney from DFW. Their runway is 8000 feet.
The longing for the “old days” is a futile exercise in Collin County. Even pastoral retreats like Celina, Prosper, Van Alstyne etc are facing explosive growth. I believe private capitalization of Vertiports would be easier to find. Trillions of dollars are at stake globally in preparing for the leap forward in urban transportation. We should not be looking outside our country for facility management. Better to get in front of the plans. A director from the Quad Cities was probably not the best way to respond to the sensitivities of the McKinney electorate. Maybe it should return to Collin control. We have Collin College, one of the fastest growing and most innovative colleges in the country. Our county has experienced some of the best facility expansions in Texas. The vision for this facility seems indecisive. No high speed rail access in the plans or other advanced urban transport plans. Not enough competition in airport planning consultants. Too much cloning. My perception is of a very provincial and unimaginative vision. Too risk adverse on the one hand, already making missteps on the other. McKinney is the county seat of Collin. Assume the mantle with pride and lead.
Are you a politician? Wrote a novel but I’m not sure where you stand on the simple question. Remember? airport expansion…do you agree or not? furthermore, Collin College is the most innovative college in the country? Are you high?
This is being forced on the citizens of McKinney by a tone deaf major and council. It’s neither needed or wanted in McKinney and neither are they.
It must be the way to STOP this development!!!
The citizens of McKinney voted against the airport expansion. Just this disgusting mayor and council found the way to push their agenda through so, we the people can do as well. It has to be a legal right to stop this.
It must be tens and thousands of people who don’t want it so, let’s find a law firm who can help us. If everyone chips in just like $10 or even less it’s a lot of money that should cover legal fees. Organize this and let’s the battle begin. If is a legal battle over this they can’t do anything until it is settled and resolved. Pull together on this people otherwise our lovely town will become like the Lovefield area…. SHIT
If anyone wants to join me on this come to the McKinney airport on this Sunday at noon it’s the 19th. Of this month
We cannot waste time.
This clowns just want to get their pockets full they are for sure corrupted mother Flowers that pushing against the will of their citizens sounds some dirty and residents needs to start looking deep into this elected MFKRS
You don’t need another airport you are well serve globally with what you already have that’s a waste of money and a way to get sticky fingers from those how are desperate to make this happen it’s always $$$ nothing else and then seek federal funding so yours and mine tax dollars
I am a regular commuter to the Dallas area. Anyone who says this isn’t needed, doesn’t use DFW on a regular basis. The overcrowding at DFW is out of control. The airport takes forever to drive to, clear security and finally board an airplane. Once the airplane door actually shuts, it’s another half hour before you are actually in the air. People say they will never use a reliever airport until they do…once you see how convenient it is, you will never want to go back to a major hub again.
There will absolutely be demand for residents and visitors to the northern portions of the DFW metroplex. It may not see drastic amounts of service but I can easily see airlines (Delta especially) fly here from Atlanta in a similar fashion to what they do with Dallas-Love, Houston-Hobby, and Chicago-Midway.
This is the perfect route for a CR9/717.
McKinney citizens DO want this. It’s the old grumps stuck in their ways who don’t. McKinney is growing, and will want to see the economic benefits of this expanded airport. Delta will be a great addition to the airport, providing flights to other hubs without having to deal with the chaos of DFW.
Again you moron!!!!!!! McKinney residents DO NOT WANT THIS
If you missed it it was a voting on it and it didn’t work out because the residents didn’t approve it
This fucking mayor and the council pushed through by illegally changing zoning restrictions