Exciting Changes to ATX Jetsetter!

It’s an exciting day for ATX Jetsetter as there are some big new changes to announce!

When I started ATX Jetsetter back in February 2023 I had only one goal in mind. Create a place where I could document my travel adventures and share them with family and friends. This later brought many strangers turned friends on the internet from around the world.

Over the last 14 months this site has grown beyond my wildest dreams. Thanks to some absolutely amazing trips that my wife, our families, friends, and I have been fortunate enough to take, this site now comprises over 200 hotel, flight, and lounge reviews and news stories.

green lights in the sky
One of our favorite trips this year was to Norway to see the Northern Lights

The seeds for this site were first planted back in 2017 when i joined FlyerTalk. I was a grad student getting ready to start my first job in consulting and looking to learn more about frequent flyer miles.

Once I was on the site I was hooked and eventually found my way over to the Trip Reports forum. I was a longtime reader and eventual contributor here which rekindled a fascination with aviation that I’ve had since I was a kid and led me to create ATX Jetsetter.

At the beginning of the year, I had a chance to connect with Randy Peterson and discuss the site. If you don’t know of Randy you’ll definitely recognize his work. He is the founder of FlyerTalk, Freddie Awards, InsideFlyer, and BoardingArea.

During the course of our conversations I was invited to join the BoardingArea family of sites. You may have noticed that there haven’t been any new posts in the last couple of weeks which is because the BoardingArea team has been hard at work migrating over 6,000 images and captions over to the new site. While posts haven’t been going up, I haven’t stopped writing so many new ones are coming soon!

a blue and white airplane on a tarmac
Many exciting trip reports and reviews are still in the works!

BoardingArea is a collection of some of the best travel blogs in the world and I’m excited to be a part of it. I’m also excited about the fact that this new site should provide a much better user experience for readers.

This blog wouldn’t be possible without the unwavering support of my wife. She is willing to tolerate my insane flight routings and constant picture taking everytime we travel. She’s also given me plenty of hall passes to scratch my travel itch and do more “flying to nowhere”.

I’d also like to thank all of my family, friends, and site readers for their support getting us to this point. I look forward to seeing many of you in the skies!

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

-JB (ATX Jetsetter)

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